Books by Delphine de Vigan (2)


Kids Run the Show by Delphine de Vigan EN

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Country: Europe / France flag France
A cautionary tale for a world in which social media has shattered the boundaries of intimacy. The first time that Mélanie met Clara, she was stunned by Clara's sense of authority, and for her part, Clara was struck by Mélanie's pink, glittery nails, which shimmered in the dark. "She looks like a child," thought the first. "She looks like a doll," pondered the second. These two women, both of the same generation and exposed to the same forms of media throughout their lives, could not be more different in adulthood. Mélanie is a social media superstar, broadcasting her children's daily lives on ... continue


Res no s'oposa a la nit by Delphine de Vigan CA

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Un matí d'hivern, Delphine de Vigan va entrar a l'apartament de la seva mare, Lucile, i se la va trobar morta estirada al llit. Arran d'aquesta mort sobtada en circumstàncies poc clares, l'escriptora va decidir emprendre una recerca detectivesca per mirar de reconstruir el trencaclosques que havia estat la vida de Lucile Poirier. Una dona fascinant, d'una bellesa terriblement dolça i salvatge, seductora i bohemia, pero amb l'ànima marcada per un dolor profund i misteriós.Els centenars de fotografies preses durant anys, la cronica... continue